
Jeepyb is a collection of tools which make managing Gerrit easier. Specifically, management of Gerrit projects and their associated upstream integration with things like Github and Launchpad.

At a Glance


Gerrit Project Configuration

The manage-projects command in Jeepyb is able to create a new project in Gerrit, create the new project on Github, create a local git replica on the Gerrit host, configure the project Access Controls, and create new groups in Gerrit.

The global configuration data needed for manage-projects to know how to connect to things or how to operate is in system-config: modules/openstack_project/templates/review.projects.ini.erb.

  1. Config values:


OpenStack Gerrit projects are configured in the project-config: gerrit/projects.yaml. file. When this file is updated, manage-projects is run automatically.

  1. Project definition:

    - project: example/gerrit
      description: Fork of Gerrit used by Example
    - project: example/project1
      description: Best project ever.
      has-wiki: True
      acl-config: /path/to/acl/file

The above config gives puppet and its related scripts enough information to create new projects, but not enough to add access controls to each project. To add access control you need to have an acl-config option for the project in projects.yaml. That option should have a value that is a path to the project.config for that project.

That is the high level view of how we can configure projects using the puppet repository. To create an actual change that does all of this for a single project you will want to do the following:

  1. Add a gerrit/acls/organization/project-name.config file to the project-config repo. The contents will probably end up looking like the block below (note that the sections are in alphabetical order):

    [access "refs/heads/*"]
    label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group project-name-core
    label-Workflow = -1..+1 group project-name-core
    requireChangeId = true
    requireContributorAgreement = true
    mergeContent = true
  2. Add a project entry for the project in gerrit/projects.yaml in the project-config repo.:

    - project: organization/project-name
      acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/organization/project-name.config
  3. If there is an existing repo that is being replaced by this new project you can set the upstream value for the project. When an upstream is set, that upstream will be cloned and pushed into Gerrit instead of an empty repository. e.g.:

    - project: organization/project-name
      acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/organization/project-name.config
      upstream: git://

That is all you need to do. Push the change to gerrit and if necessary modify group membership for the groups you configured in the project.config through Launchpad.

Commit Hooks

Launchpad Bug Integration

The update-bug Jeepyb command is installed as a Gerrit commit hook so that it runs each time a patchset is created. It updates Launchpad bugs based on information that it finds in the commit message. It also contains a manual mapping of Gerrit to Launchpad project names for projects that use a different Launchpad project for their bugs.

Launchpad Blueprint Integration

The update-blueprint Jeepyb command is installed as a Gerrit commit hook so that it runs each time a patchset is created. It updates Launchpad blueprints based on information that it finds in the commit message.

Trivial Rebase Hook

The trivial-rebase commit hook runs when new patchsets are uploaded and detects whether the new patchset is merely a rebase onto a new parent, or is a substantial change. If it is a rebase, it restores previous review votes and leaves a comment in Gerrit. It uses Gerrit’s own SSH host key as the private key for access in order to gain the “superuser” permissions needed to impersonate other users in reviews.